Service Reconnection
Suspension due to reported loss
Lost handset found
  • You can bring along your found handset or SIM card to our 3Shop or connect 3iChat for reconnection.
  • Under this circumstance, reconnection would be free. You will be reconnected within 2 hours.#
Lost SIM Card
  • You need to bring along your handset to our 3Shop for reconnection
  • You need to pay $100 for replacement of the SIM card. You will be reconnected within 2 hours.#
Loss of Handset or Loss of Both Handset and SIM Card
  • You can retain the original number for up to 3 months. A replacement handset can be bought from our 3iChat. You can bring along your another handset for reconnection; we need you to sign a Letter of Undertaking before we can reconnect you.
  • If loss of both Handset and SIM Card, you need to pay $100 for replacement of the SIM card. You will be reconnected within 2 hours.#
Voluntary Suspension
If you have voluntarily suspended your 3 service for less than three months, you can connect 3iChat or visiting our 3Shop for reconnection.

If there are outstanding bills, you need to pay them first before we can reconnect for you. If you have bill enquiry, you can click here for details.
Remark:#When the mobile service is reconnected, please re-start handset to resume the 3 Network.